The "Cursed" Project

An unusual adjective for a project one would say.....
How can a project be cursed??
crooked management??, heavy workload??, tight deadlines??, difficult customers???????
Let's see

This product is a video decoder called cherrypicker. Developed initially from the client office in Silicon Valley, the product was stable and running well in the market. As is the case with most of such projects, the company decides to outsource the maintenance work to Infosys.An Engineer from Infosys came to the client office to get a knowledge transfer ( TOI - transfer of Information as they call it here) from the sole Client engineer left behind, Mr Alan Gustafson.

Two weeks into the TOI and the first incident occured. Alan Met with a terrible Bike accident and went to a Coma. He is in that state for the past year and a half.Everyone sympathised with him and prayed that this should not happen to anyone. Little did anyone know what was to follow.....

The Infosys Engineeer; let's call him _First_ ; had to learn the product all by himself. He went back to india and hired two freshers _Second_ and _Third_. There was a flurry of bugs at that time from the field. Lot of work pressure and less number of resources. Things were going out of control for our freshers. _Second_ fell ill. He was having continous head-aches, back-pain and above all his mother was not doing well. Owing to all these, he asked for a transfer to another office near his home-town, so that he could spend _quality_ time with his family.Mr _Third_ was also not behind. He had lung problems( Could be attributed as due to work_pressure induced heavy_smoking:)) and his dad's leg got paralysed. He was also not able to handle the workpressure. He quit the company.

Mr First was still going strong. He got married and was leading a happy life. There was a new customer requirement to develop couple of new products based on the old stable product. An experienced girl Miss _Fourth_ and a fresher Mr _Fifth_ were added to the team._Fourth_ , as i heard of it, had an attitude problem. It was quite difficult to work with her.. She was finally moved to another project. Mr _Fifth_ was a good hardworking guy. He was assigned a complex task with a learning curve extending to one month. He did his work well and following the trend, he got an Arthritis attack.He was not able to walk at all and was forced to take a long leave . He is now in his hometown undergoing treatment.

It was my chance to become Mr _Sixth_ . I sincerely hoped that all the stories about this project were just a chain of coincidences. But i think i was wrong. Two months into this project and i have started getting a pain in my right leg. I am not able to walk for more than 100m at a stretch. There is a Sciatic nerve that runs through my leg. My doctor told me that there is a possibility of nerve congestion which is causing this pain. I am on pain killers now..

Dear Readers, I hope that now the Subject really makes some sense!!!!!!


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