Read it, You might find it Funny

I am totally irritated. Looks like my time is really bad. I need some help. Any astrologers around???
Just kidding... ok.!!!! J

But the incidents happening to me for the past few weeks certainly made me think so. You guys might be thinking what, so horrible can happen to me.

It all started one day evening when my manager wanted me to drop him to his home. He had to leave to his native place and hadn’t brought his bike. I agreed to drop him in the evening. At 5 he called me. Just then one guy said casually “Are u taking him to Kill???” Oh Man, his words almost became true. We got into Hosur Road and just as we were around 2 Kms from office, it started happening. There were two Maruthi Van’s to my right. The guy on the extreme right (the idiot), moved his vehicle to his right, so as to avoid a Pothole or something. The next guy did the same. I had to move right. But then I saw there was no space to my right. BANG.. The Van hit my bike. And there goes one of my “poor” indicator rolling on the ground. The guy stopped his Van and apologized. We did not say much to him.. Just asked him to drive carefully in future J . And we continued our trip. There was no much traffic and we were enjoying the ride. We reached his apartment in an hour. Had a coffee and again I had to drop him at the bus stop. We were half way through and then again, another accident. This time it was a bit more majestic accident.. Instead of 2 Maruthi Vans, this opportunity was seized by 2 Accents. We were on the Bannerghatta Road and no one can explain the condition of this road during this time of the Year. It is totally sluggish. I did not notice from where these two cars came, but they hit me. Luckily nothing much happened. Just a little bend on my crash guard. Those **** did not even stop to say sorry. We couldn’t do much this time. This guy behind me was anyway late for his Bus. So we did not stop for long to inspect the vehicle for any further damage. I dropped him at the Bus stop and then went back to office. On my way back, I was caught in traffic Jam. I had stopped my bike and then suddenly a tempo traveler came from behind and hit my rear-view mirror. It flew off. By that time, I was so frustrated and sad that I did not feel like saying anything. This guy in turn started shouting at me asking me why I turned off my bike. I gave him a rough look, started by bike and continued my journey. Finally I reached office, in a satisfaction that the quota of 3(which is considered to be good, in the sense that no more accidents are bound to occur.. Ya.. I was starting to believe all those stupid things), had been reached. I went back to my work and was a bit late when I left the office. It was around 12:30. I went to the parking lot, only to see that there was no Helmet on my bike. Definitely some stupid Asshole infoscion had stolen it, for there is no entry to anyone else inside the parking lot.

The next day, I did not feel like going by bike to office. In fact I could not; as the security guard wouldn’t allow me inside without the helmet. So I decided to go by Infy bus to office for that whole week. The first two days went without any problems. Then it started again. This time it was with my Visa. I had an appointment at the US consulate for Visa stamping. I filled in all the applications and went to the Visa department. Then they gave me the GOOD news that the hard copy of my approved petition was missing. It was sent from the US consulate to the Infosys Quincy office, but it never reached there. And my trip got delayed by 2 months. I was busy with this stuff for the rest of the week.

Yesterday, I decided to go and buy a new Helmet. I called one of my room-mate along with me. I tried to start my bike. It totally refused to start. We tried all means of starting it, but it wouldn’t listen. We took it to a garage and the mechanic said that some coil is burnt and will cost me around 4k for that. I decided to do that later and kept it back in the parking lot .We took his bike and went to buy the helmet. We had to go to a place called J.C road. We parked the bike in front of a helmet shop and went inside. We searched quite a few shops nearby and finally found a good one. We bargained well. He said 1200 and we got it for 850(cool.. right?) . With that pride we came out of the shop and started searching the bike. It was not there. We got scared. Some of the people standing there told us that the bike was towed away by the police. It was in the no-parking zone its seems. We asked them where they went and started running to the direction they pointed. We saw a cop on the road and asked him whether he saw any vehicle being towed away. He said they did not tow any vehicle. We told him from where it was taken. Then he said it was not his police station and it belonged to another place. He directed us to that place. Finally after running for about 20 minutes, we found the police truck with our bike in it. We pleaded to the police S.I who was in the truck to get the vehicle back and even tried giving him hundred rupees. But to our surprise, he did not accept that money. Instead he told something in Kannda and asked the guys behind to take the vehicle out of the truck and give it to us. We were still wondering what made him so generous. This was quite unexpected of any policeman in Bangalore. But soon we realized the reason for his behavior. While loading the bike to the truck, the headlight got broken. This would cost us around 1800 rupees. Man.. That was too much. By the time we had realized this, the truck was far away. We came back to our home.

Anyway nothing has happened to me after that. I am seriously thinking of visiting an astrologer and ask him to tell me about my “Time”. If he say something which is close to true, I might start believing in astrology..


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